
Overview of The Issue

Pennsylvania is home to 13 public cyber charter schools that enroll nearly 60,000 students.

Unfortunately, a growing number of state lawmakers anti-cyber charter school organizations, including teachers’ unions, are working to take away families’ rights to send their children to a public cyber charter school.

For more than a decade, the many state lawmakers have been laser-focused on eliminating public cyber charter schools for only one reason…MONEY!

Too many of our elected officials receive millions of dollars in campaign donations from organizations that are solely focused on enriching themselves and protecting the status quo instead of educating children.

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Why Public Cyber Charter Schools?

Quite simply: Why not?

Public cyber charter schools exist because traditional public schools have failed at their job and families have given up.

Public cyber charter schools oftentimes are the last beacon of hope for tens of thousands of students. A family just doesn’t haphazardly decide to send their children to a cyber charter. Something went wrong in their local district. Either their children were bullied, weren’t receiving the education they deserve, or the family felt disrespected and not heard.

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Lawmakers in the state House and Senate and the governor want to significantly cut funding to public cyber charter school students. This violates state and federal laws as well as the state and federal constitutions.

In fact, Commonwealth Court Judge Renee Cohn Jubelirer in her February 2023 ruling in the school funding lawsuit stated, “[T]he Pennsylvania Constitution[] requires that every student receive a meaningful opportunity to succeed academically, socially, and civically, which requires that all students have access to a comprehensive, effective, and contemporary system of public education.”

You are encouraged to contact state lawmakers and the governor and tell them to protect public cyber charter schools for students and not to cut their funding. All children deserve a quality public education, including public cyber charter school students.

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